How to Activate Chakras in the Human Body?

How to Activate Chakras in the Human Body

The human body is essentially based on the regulation of energy flow. And this flow is governed by chakras. But what are chakras? Well, chakra (pl. chakras) is derived or taken from the ancient Indian language Sanskrit. In Sanskrit, it means wheel. In the human body, these are the energy centers. Where are these present?

You can find them along the spine. These go up from the base to the top of the head. Primarily, these are seven in number, regulating the body’s energy flow. This energy flow in the body directly impacts the physical and emotional state of humans. It also takes care of the spiritual state of humans as well.

So now you can easily understand how important it is to activate and balance these chakras. But how will you do that? In this article, you will get the answer to the chakra activation question. Let’s have a detailed look at chakras. Understand what are these and their importance. And how can these be activated practically?

What are Chakras?

The Sanskrit language gave birth to the word chakra. Its literal meaning is “wheel”. Chakras in the human body are seven in number. All these chakras refer to the energy centers. Each chakra has its specific location. Not only location but the emotional and physical functions are also different for each chakra.

Chakras are very much present inside the human body and control the flow of energy. But why are these not visible then? That’s because chakras are known to exist in the astral body of humans. What is an astral body? The astral body is an invisible energy body that is present within or inside the physical human body. This astral body is also the reason for the invisibility of chakras. How are these related? This is because each of the physical body parts is associated with its own astral body part.

What are the Seven Main Chakras in the Human Body?

The chakra system has seven energy centers. These energy centers have emit their distinct energy. The chakras even have their specific colors as well. Where in the human body can these be found? These seven chakras are found aligned along the spine of the human body.

The sequence of chakra starts from the base of the spine with Muladhara. Then the sequence ends at the crown of the head with Sahasrara. It is also important to know that some believe that there are 114 different chakras in the human body. But only seven are explored and discussed mainly. So let’s get into the details of these seven chakras.

1. Muladhara (Root Chakra):

The name root chakra indicated the location. Just like plant roots, this is present at the bottom, i.e., the bottom of your spine. Opening or activating this chakra will improve survival and basic human instincts. This energy center governs the feeling of security in humans too.

2. Swadhisthana (Sacral Chakra):

The English name of Swadhisthana directly points to its location. The term sacral means the sacrum area. What is the sacrum area? The area or region between two hip bones is called the sacrum area. The chakra energy from this chakra takes care of the reproductive health. And creative energy is also activated.

3. Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra):

The English name of Manipura tells you about the location. But what is solar plexus? The area near the diaphragm is called the solar plexus. This region is closer to the stomach area as well. Hence, it is responsible for the digestive health of a human. This chakra activation improves power and self-esteem too.

4. Anahata (Heart Chakra):

The English name heart chakra tells us Anahata is present. Hence, Anahata is present in the chest, near the heart. This energy center is responsible for the inner peace of humans. The chakra awakening of this improves love and devotion.

5. Vishuddhi (Throat Chakra):

The English name indicates the location of Vishuddhi. Passing through the abdominal region, Vishuddhi is located in the throat. Communication and self-expression are dealt with by this chakra.

6. Ajna (Third Eye Chakra):

The English name suggests that we’ve crossed the trunk of the human body. Moving upward to the head region, Ajna is located between the eyebrows. Therefore, its evident and obvious dealings are with intuition and imagination.

7. Sahasrara (Crown Chakra):

The English name directly points to where it is located. This pointer is at the top of the head. Due to its position, it is linked to spiritual connection. Thus, this is considered among the main spiritual chakras. It also links to the Enlightenment.

Why Open Chakras?

Before getting to the main question of how to activate your chakras, you must understand why are we even opening them. Why is it so crucial to open and then balance these spiritual and healing chakras? To maintain balance and harmony within the human body, chakra opening is necessary. These chakras significantly impact the holistic well-being of a human. How?

Chakras the energy centers, regulate the flow of prana. Prana is the vital life force to drive the human body. The human body here is associated with the physical and spiritual systems within. And this force needs to be distributed evenly. When the chakras are balanced, there is a smooth and even distribution of energy or prana. As a result, these wheels improve physical health and emotional stability.

There is a reason why body chakras are called spiritual chakras. The open chakras help in spiritual growth. It also increases the self-awareness in humans. Opening the chakras will your understanding of life’s purpose. Overall, keeping the chakras open and balanced helps to lead a more fulfilling, peaceful, and enlightened life.

What is Meant by Imbalance in Chakras and What are its Impacts?

The simple meaning of imbalance chakras is the improper flow of energy. Whenever the chakras are blocked or imbalanced the even distribution of prana is disrupted within the body.

This uneven distribution leads to either an excess or depletion of prana in a particular chakra. In simpler words, one gets more energy than the other and vice versa. This impacts the disturbed well-being of a human. They are impacted gravely both physically and emotionally.

Physically, when the chakra is imbalanced, the organs placed near it are affected. Even the tissues and bones closer to it are affected. Psychologically, these imbalances can increase anger and sadness. The fear or indecisiveness is also its result. When such imbalances persist for a long time serious health issues and mental health challenges are common.

How Do I Know My Chakras are Blocked?

It is a dangerous fact that most of the human population is suffering from blocked chakras. And we’re just going along in life without having any idea regarding that. So here are some physical and emotional symptoms of imbalanced chakras. As different chakras govern different functions the symptoms are also specific to the chakra.

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Physical Symptoms:

  • Lower back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Constipation
  • Immune-related disorders
  • Poor sleep
  • Tiredness

Emotional Symptoms:

  • Insecurity
  • Fearfulness
  • Feeling ungrounded
  • Lack of ambition
  • Depression
  • Frustration

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana)

Physical Symptoms:

  • Lower back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Decreased libido
  • Urinary problems
  • Poor digestion
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Menstrual problems

Emotional Symptoms:

  • Emotional explosiveness
  • Irritability
  • Lack of energy and creativity
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Obsession with sexual thoughts
  • Manipulativeness

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Physical Symptoms:

  • Digestive problems
  • Liver problems
  • Diabetes
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Adrenal imbalances

Emotional Symptoms:

  • Lack of self-esteem
  • Anger
  • Perfectionism
  • Depression
  • Fear of rejection
  • Difficulty making decisions

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Physical Symptoms:

  • Heart conditions
  • Upper back and shoulder problems
  • Asthma
  • Lung diseases

Emotional Symptoms:

  • Anger
  • Lack of trust
  • Anxiety
  • Jealousy
  • Fear
  • Moodiness

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Physical Symptoms:

  • Sore throat
  • Thyroid dysfunctions
  • Stiff neck
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Hearing problems

Emotional Symptoms:

  • Timidity
  • Quietness
  • Weak willpower
  • Inability to express thoughts
  • Creative blocks

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Physical Symptoms:

  • Headaches
  • Blurry vision
  • Eye strain
  • Nightmares
  • Learning disabilities

Emotional Symptoms:

  • Poor judgment
  • Confusion
  • Fear of Success
  • Egotism
  • Lack of intuition

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

WPhysical Symptoms:

  • Chronic exhaustion
  • Sensitivity to light and sound

Emotional Symptoms:

  • Lack of purpose
  • Identity crisis
  • Disbelief in spiritual practices
  • Lack of inspiration
  • Feelings of frustration

How Do I Activate the Chakras Through Yoga?

The concept of chakras has always been present in ancient Indian civilizations. Being an ancient concept, chakras can be activated by the ancient practice of yoga. More specifically, the yoga postures (asanas), which are specific for every chakra, These yoga postures not only activate the energy centers or chakras but play a significant role in balancing them as well. Below are the asanas specific to each chakra to activate or balance them:

1. Muladhara (Root Chakra)-Tadasana (Mountain Pose):

Stand with your feet together, and arms by the sides. Keep your focus on grounding through the feet. This yoga pose improves stability and connection with the earth when activated. Your body posture is also improved, along with your connection to Mother Earth.

2. Swadhisthana (Sacral Chakra) and Veerabhadrasana (Warrior Pose):

Stand with your legs apart, and bend the front knee, then extend your arms above the head. Veerabhadrasana, named after the warrior Veerbhadra, makes your legs strong. It also improves the energy flow through the lower body. Activating this chakra opens the hips, which releases blocked emotions.

3. Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra)-Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose):

Lie on your back with your knees bent. Now lift your hips and clasp your hands under your back. This pose activates the solar plexus and heart chakras. Thus collectively promoting digestive health and emotional balance. It even stimulates the abdominal organs and thyroid glands, resulting in better metabolism and overall vitality.

4. Anahata (Heart Chakra)-Ustrasana (Camel Pose):

Kneel on the floor, then arch your back, and finally reach for your heels. This pose releases pent-up emotions. It also helps in developing a more compassionate and loving outlook.

5. Vishuddhi (Throat Chakra)-Matsyasana (Fish Pose):

Lie on your back, lift your chest, and place the top of your head on the floor. Matsyasana opens the throat for better communication. It also helps in relieving tension in the neck and shoulders, resulting in better self-expression.

6. Ajna (Third Eye Chakra)-Balasana (Child’s Pose):

Kneel and sit back on your heels, extend your arms forward, and rest your forehead on the ground. Balasana calms the mind. It is best for relieving stress and establishing introspection.

7. Sahasrara (Crown Chakra) and Savasana (Corpse Pose):

Start by lying flat on your back, and arms at your sides, then relax completely. Savasana is a meditative pose that connects you to your higher self. It gives you complete relaxation and helps you achieve a state of deep meditation and spiritual awareness.

How to Activate Chakras Through Mudras and Mantras?

Another effective method is mudras or hand gestures. Along with mudra, mantras, or sacred sounds, are also chanted. Do you wanna know how? Let’s see in detail:

1. Muladhara:

Mudra: Start by sitting comfortably. Make your spine erect. Then rest your hands on the knees with palms facing upwards. Circle your thumbs and fingers. At last take 7-10 deep breaths. All the time keep your focus on the perineum area.

Mantra: chant “LAM.”

2. Swadhisthana:

Mudra: Start with sitting comfortably with an erect spine. Try to focus on the area below the navel. Place the right hand on the left with palms facing upward. Your hands should be on your lap with thumbs touching.

Mantra: chant “VAM.”

3. Manipura:

Mudra: Start by sitting in a comfortable position. Make your spine erect. Now touch your fingertips. Then cross your thumbs such that a triangular shape is formed. You need to focus on the solar plexus area.

Mantra: chant “RAM.”

4. Anahata:

Mudra: Start by sitting in a comfortable position. Make your spine erect. Now rest your left hand on your left knee. Then raise your right hand near the chest. Then form a circle with your thumb and forefinger. You must focus on the heart area.

Mantra: chant “YAM.”

5. Vishuddhi:

Mudra: Start by sitting in a comfortable position. Make your spine erect. Touch your thumbs together and form a circle. The fingers need to be loosely cupped. Focus on the throat area.

Mantra: chant “HAM.”

6. Ajna:

Mudra: Start by sitting in a comfortable position. Make your spine erect heart shape with thumbs and fingers, raising your hands in front of your third eye. Get our focus on the area between your eyebrows.

Mantra: chant “OM” or “AUM”

7. Sahasrara:

Mudra: Start by sitting in a comfortable position. Make your spine erect. Clasp hands with fingers crossed. Then lift your ring fingers to form a crown shape. Focus on the crown of your head while doing Sahasrara.

Mantra: chant “OM” or “AH.”

How Do You Open Chakras with Other Methods?

There are methods other than yoga, mudras, and mantras for chakra opening.

1. Chakra Activating Meditation

This method activates the chakras by quitening the mind. Here you focus your attention in silence and channel the energy to specific chakras. This technique lets you explore your inner self and identify the chakra imbalances. Here color light visualization and chakra-specific crystals are used to focus the attention. Even candles and music help in focusing. Your chakras heal by processing the negative energies. So start with short sessions and extend the sessions gradually.

2. Reiki Chakra

Reiki chakra healing is a popular method to open chakras. Here the flow of universal energy is used to unblock and balance chakras. Reiki is a Japanese technique that focuses on guiding healing energy. The healing energy from chakras is guided towards a specific chakra. Then the energy distribution is balanced.

Here Reiki practitioners are involved. They scan for energy imbalances and then direct energy to the affected chakras. Reiki can be practiced at home too without a practitioner. All you need is a calming environment. Just focus on breathwork, and use hand placements to channel energy through each chakra.

3. Chakra Affirmations

Chakra affirmations are positive statements that target activating and balancing chakras. These statements are like mini mantras themselves. These mantras when regularly repeated can shift negative thought patterns to positive ones.

This forms a new neural pathway in the brain. Thus, mental health is improved by reducing stress and anxiety. You can choose which chakra you need to focus on based on its functions. And remember that there are different chakra affirmations for different chakras. So include these in your daily routines to break down emotional barriers.

4. Chakra Crystals

Each chakra is associated with specific colors and types of crystals. So to use these for chakra balancing select one based on which chakra you wish to balance. Then cleanse it and set an intention. Now while chakra meditation place the crystal on the chakra.

When you go to buy a crystal be very careful about the authenticity. Check for natural imperfections and avoid air bubbles. Prevent getting scammed and shop from reputable stores. Don’t worry about the surface, Both rough and tumbled stones are effective. And the rough stones are even believed to emit stronger energy.

5. Chakra Candles

Chakra candles are infused with scents and colors and are used to help balancing the chakras. These two along with crystals are aligned in candles with the body’s seven chakras. Each candle corresponds to a specific chakra. Thus, they address a specific physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. So During meditation, the candles help to focus and concentrate. These cleanse negative energy and improve positive thinking. Remember to take Proper care of your candles. Always cleanse, charge, and store these for lasting effectiveness.

6. Chakra Essential Oils

Chakra essential oils are believed to have specific effects on each chakra. Thus, relieving the blockages and promoting harmony. These are used in aromatherapies. Safety precautions are included for dilution. Also, consider the individual sensitivities. Each chakra corresponds to different oils, such as spikenard and vetiver for the root chakra. The lavender is for the sacral chakra, and frankincense is for the throat chakra.

7. Chakra Singing Bowls

Chakra singing bowls are ancient instruments for balancing chakras. They come in sets of seven each representing the seven primary chakras. Each bowl emits a unique sound frequency. And each frequency is associated with a specific chakra. When struck, these bowls produce vibrations. These vibrations help to rebalance the energy flow within the body. Chakra singing bowls are commonly used in various practices such as yoga, meditation, sound therapy, and energy healing.

They come in different materials like brass, crystal, and bronze. Tibetan bowls are a popular choice. Each type of singing bowl has its unique design and sound characteristics. Techniques like rimming, striking, or water charging are used.

Final Thoughts!

Finally, chakras can be activated with yoga, mudras, and mantras. So include these in your daily routine. Then you will experience improvement in your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

You need to include yoga, mudra, and mantras for effective chakra activation. Try other supporting methods like chakra crystals, candles, etc for additional help. But the most important factor is to do these practices regularly. Do not leisure around and step back. Make affirmations, start journaling and activate your chakras.

Regular practice of these combined exercises will surely help maintain the energy flow in the human body. Thus, chakra activation will enhance your overall health and vitality. Chakra activation is the solution to holistic well-being.

People Also Asked!

Q. What are chakras, and why are they important?

A. Chakras are the seven crucial energy centers in the human body. These are aligned or placed along the spine, from the base to the crown of the head. These energy centers regulate the energy flow in the human body, thus indicating their importance. This energy flow impacts the physical, emotional, as well as spiritual well-being of humans.

Q. What are the seven main chakras and their locations?

A. The seven main chakras aligned from the spine to the crown of the head are as follows, with their locations:
1. Muladhara (Root Chakra): Base of the spine
2. Swadhisthana (Sacral Chakra): Sacrum area (the region between hips) 
3. Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra): Stomach area
4. Anahata (Heart Chakra): Chest, near the heart
5. Vishuddhi (Throat Chakra): Throat
6. Ajna (Third Eye Chakra): Between the eyebrows
7. Sahasrara (Crown Chakra): Top of the head

Q. How can I activate my chakras through yoga?

A. Being seven in number, each being responsible for the different emotional and physical well-being of the human body. Therefore, there’s a specific yoga posture or asana for specific chakra activation. For example, Tadasana (Mountain Pose) is for the Root Chakra, Veerabhadrasana (Warrior Pose) is for the Sacral Chakra, and Savasana (Corpse Pose) is for the Crown Chakra. You can include these in your daily routines to activate and then balance the energy centers.

Q. What is the role of mantras in chakra activation?

A. Mantras are the sacred sounds that are chanted to first activate the chakras and then balance them. Just like asanas, mantras are also specific to a specific chakra. This indicates that each chakra has a corresponding mantra. For example, “LAM” is for the root chakra, and “OM” is for the third eye and crown chakras. These help to focus and improve the energy flow within the body.

Q. How does practicing mudras aid in chakra activation?

A. Mudras are hand gestures that help direct the flow of energy in the body. Just like mantras and asanas, Each chakra has a specific mudra. These are practiced along with focused breathing and mantras. So the chakras can be activated and balanced by the corresponding energy center.


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