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Why is Kundalini Yoga Dangerous

Why is Kundalini Yoga Dangerous? What You Need to Know

Recently, Kundalini yoga has become popular with individuals seeking spiritual and physical progress. Have you ever wondered why is kundalini yoga dangerous for some individuals? This blog article discusses the

Best Yoga Teacher Training in the World

Best Yoga Teacher Training in the World

Imagine yourself, standing in front of a sun-drenched studio barefoot on your mat, facing a sea of eager faces. As you guide your students through challenging asanas (postures), the surges

How to Sequence a Yin Yoga Class

How to Sequence a Yin Yoga Class?

Yoga, a practice of inner peace and physical fitness through asanas and pranayamas has been in existence for ages with India being its origin. Deep relaxation, peace of mind, and

Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Top 10 Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Nowadays we long to shed off the extra pounds and burn those side body, legs, and hips fat, right? We’ve all tried intense workout, diet, and fasting but didn’t succeed.

How to Sequence a Hatha Yoga Class

How to Sequence a Hatha Yoga Class?

Hatha yoga is one of the oldest forms of yoga practised all over the world. It’s popularly known for its focus on physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and meditation.

How to Activate Chakras in the Human Body

How to Activate Chakras in the Human Body?

The human body is essentially based on the regulation of energy flow. And this flow is governed by chakras. But what are chakras? Well, chakra (pl. chakras) is derived or

How To Do Shanmukhi Mudra

How To Do Shanmukhi Mudra: Steps and Benefits

hanmukhi mudra is a simple and easy practice that not only brightens and rejuvenates the face and the eyes but also brings a state of balance. This ancient technique helps

How Much Does a Yoga Teacher Training Cost?

Have you ever questioned How much does a yoga teacher training costs? You might find it very surprising that it ranges from 1000$ to over 5000$ and still varies a lot

Yoga Poses To Relieve Gas And Bloating

7 Yoga Poses to Relieve Gas and Bloating

Gas and bloating are very common digestive issues that affect millions of people all over the world, causing discomfort and pain in our stomach. This problem can happen due to